The current world of viticulture is the result of two opposing philosophies. One is linked to the territory and the other to the vine. The first philosophy is embraced by countries having ancient winemaking traditions, such as France, and acknowledges that the quality of wines is closely linked to its territory of origin, as a result of the terroir effect. The second is typical of new wine producing countries, such as America and Australia, who consider the grape to be the main factor in the quality of their wines. There is, however, a third way…

The reason for this study lies in the need to outline and study the environment, the landscape and the soils of the Rufina CGDO wine-producing area (which extends from Pontassieve to Dicomano along the valley of the Sieve in a prevalently north-south direction, westwards in the direction of Molin del Piano and eastwards towards Diacceto and Pomino) and the Pomino CDO, and draw up a geopedological map of the area in 1: 25.000 scale, in order to zone the vine-growing territory, and to analyse the relationships between the soils and the quality of the wines produced in the area under study. This soil survey…
The purpose of the agroclimatic survey is to evaluate the vocation to viticulture of the Chianti Rufina CGDO area, by implementing static and dynamic climatology techniques and agrometeorology techniques in general. In this way it shall possible to arrive at a quantitative definition of both the climatic resources and the limitations imposed by the climate on the vine cultivation. Among the climatic resources, particular focus will be placed on…
Thanks to the results of the soil classification survey, during the preliminary phases of the Chianti Rufina zoning process is was possible to identify 13 Landscape Units. Once transferred to a soil classification map, these LU were used to identify 29 vineyards that were suitable for Sangiovese (the most widely-cultivated grape in the area and the base variety for the CGDO) and 7 for Merlot (international variety with good adaptability to the climates of the denomination), using the results of all the measurements taken during the three years of the survey as the source for the calculations. This choice was based on the preliminary soil survey and in accordance with three objective criteria for identifying the agronomic variability of the territory…
Attilio Scienza, Luigi Mariani, DI.PRO.VE. – DIpartimento di PROduzione VEgetale, Università degli Studi di Milano Facoltà di Agraria – www.diprove.unimi.it
Luca Toninato, Jacopo Cricco, AGER Sc – AGricoltura E Ricerca Milano – www.agercoop.it
Francesco Lizio Bruno, Geologia e Ambiente Montepulciano (Siena) – ilsuolo@bccmp.com